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Update And Merge State

The state in zustand / zustand-vue needs to trigger the set function to implement the update, which will do a shallow merge with the existing state in the store. Note: About Nested State

const useStore = create((set) => ({
salmon: 1,
tuna: 2,
setSalmon: (newVal) => set(() => ({ salmon:1 })), // won't delete tuna, will get {salmon, tuna, setSalmon }

Delete And Overwrite State

The set function has a second parameter, which defaults to false. If true, it will replace (overwrite) the state model, not merge. Be careful not to wipe out parts you rely on, such as actions

import omit from 'lodash-es/omit'

const useStore = create((set) => ({
salmon: 1,
tuna: 2,
deleteTuna: () => set((state) => omit(state, ['tuna']), true), // state.tuna will be deleted, other state, actions will be kept
deleteEverything: () => set({}, true), // Will clear the complete store, including state, actions